Dental Care Tips
Taking good care of your mouth helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy, but many people don’t realize that taking good care of your mouth also impacts your overall health as well. Poor dental care can lead to gum disease, which increases the bacteria that is ingested into your system, causing heart disease, Alzheimers, some types of cancer and leading to additional complications for diabetics. Additionally, symptoms of some diseases such as diabetes will show up in your mouth first, so by keeping a good handle on your oral care, you will know if something is not quite right.
Your dentist in Calgary is one of your best allies to ensure your mouth stays healthy and doesn’t contribute to potentially causing of other diseases. It’s important to have an excellent oral care routine at home to support the efforts of your dentist in Calgary. Brush and floss daily, be mindful of how your food and drink affect your teeth, be aware of any side effects of medications and ensure you treat grinding and clenching so they don’t cause additional problems.
Even the best dentist in Calgary cannot help you to keep your mouth healthy if you do not follow these important dental care tips:
1. Brush Your Teeth — Since you were a very young child, your parents likely taught you to brush your teeth at least twice a day — once in the morning and again before bedtime. Brushing your teeth removes any particles that could become harmful bacteria that leads to plaque build up.
2. Floss Daily — No matter how well you brush, there will always be little crevices between the teeth that you cannot reach. Flossing ensures that all surfaces of your teeth are cleaned off each day so bacteria cannot create issues in your mouth.
3. Watch The Food & Drink You Consume — Sugary and acidic foods wreak havoc on your teeth and gums, so be careful to consume them carefully and in moderation.
4. Treat Grinding & Clenching Early — Grinding and clenching can contribute to tooth erosion, which wears down your teeth earlier than they would with age. The habits can also lead to TMJ and a variety of other difficulties with your teeth and jawbones. Ask your dentist in Calgary for a mouthguard or splint to keep you from grinding or clenching.
5. Switch to Non-Abrasive Toothpaste — Abrasion is another enemy of your teeth, so switching to a toothpaste that won’t produce micro scratches on the surface of your teeth will help to maintain them for much longer.
6. Visit Your Dentist Regularly — You’ve already found the best dentist in Calgary, so make sure you visit them often! For most patients, twice per year is best, but check with your dental hygienst to find out what regime they feel works best fro your unique needs.
Taking good care of your teeth is critical because you only get one chance with your teeth. Be sure yo work with your best dentist in Calgary to adapt your dental care to your needs and your lifestyle so you get the best dental care possible.